eZee Services
Boiler Feed
Boiler feed water, specifically for steam generation requires high purity water. The feed quality requirement varies depending on the manufacturer/generator. Poor water quality and/or system design results in increased maintenance and downtime. The design of the water treatment system is a function of the water quality that varies dramatically depending on the water source and region.

Food & Beverage
The bottling industry always has a large demand for purified water. There are tens of thousands of beverage industries around the world producing billions of gallons of soft drinks every day. Each and every one has slightly different requirements on what purity of water they are looking for, and EZ Water Technology USA is always willing to customize water treatment solutions to meet your standards.
As the human race continues on this planet, many of the industries we’ve helped developed clean water systems for have impacted fragile environments around the world. These industries provide things that we can’t live without, but it is important that we mitigate as much waste and damage to the rapidly diminishing natural wonders of our planet as possible. EZ Water Technology Inc. has designed hundreds of systems that are being used for conservation purposes today.

As armed forces from all nations travel to the four corners of the world assisting those in need, it’s only natural that fresh, potable water is one of the things that they provide to those less fortunate. We’ve designed Reverse Osmosis systems for military groups serving all over the world, preventing poisoning and disease from contaminated sources both at land and at sea. Not all the water treated in the line of duty is for the less fortunate, however. A Reverse Osmosis System is a portable solution for clean water treatment for any kind of temporary camp or base. Our systems are designed to meet your turbidity and contaminant requirements, so your system can always be on the go without worry.
As fresh water supplies become increasingly scarce and/or contaminated, there is a reliance on desalination to provide the quantity of water demanded. Reverse Osmosis technology utilizes the unlimited supply of seawater.

Seawater Desalination Systems
EZ Water Technology Inc. through its global partners in the supply of packaged/skidded desalination systems using Reverse Osmosis. The company works closely with membrane manufacturers and pump suppliers to design, build, test and deliver custom desalination systems. Depending on the location (salinity and temperature) and cost of energy, EZ Water Technology Inc. provides the most cost-effective solutions by selecting the optimal energy recovery device and materials of construction (highest grade of stainless steel). EZ Water Technology Inc. sells value by focusing on the lifecycle cost and payback calculations.